Tag: conferences

2024 Distinguished Clinical Intern and Cooperating Teacher Awards

Since 1985, the educator preparation programs within New Jersey’s teacher training institutions have been invited to submit the dossiers of their three most outstanding teacher candidates into competition for this award. This annual award publicly recognizes the year’s top clinical interns with special recognition given to the top sixteen graduates awarded with distinction. This year […]

The 6th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce

The 6th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce took place over the course of three weeks during the months of October and November 2023. This year’s conference theme focused on Retaining a Diverse Workforce: Teachers are Talking. Are You Listening? Throughout the three weeks, the convening focused on understanding how school culture and climate can both […]

Montclair State University Convening on Inter-Institutional Partnerships for Public Education

On April 11, 2023, Montclair State University’s College of Education and Human Services hosted a convening to explore the work of inter-institutional partnerships in helping to support students, communities, and educators. The event, titled “Partnering to Address New Jersey’s Educator Shortages,” brought together representatives from the state and federal government, colleges and universities, school districts, […]