Category: NJ State Board of Education

Difficult Conversations Start with Ourselves

Each year, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) offers the Governor’s Educator of the Year program to honor the hardworking teachers and educational services professionals for their dedication to students, and to the profession. In turn, NJACTE welcomes the distinguished teacher chosen to speak at a monthly membership meeting and invites them to share their […]

Support of S3884/A5419 to Remove the Praxis Core Requirement for Teacher Certification

The following letter was sent to by our Executive Committee, on behalf of the membership. Dear members of the Senate Education Committee: On behalf of the membership of New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE), which represent 26 institutions of higher education, we write to request that you please support S3884/A5419, which removes […]

New Jersey Council for Exceptional Children

The members of NJACTE are truly an active group of individuals. In addition to our large monthly meetings, many NJACTE members are involved in a variety of other professional associations and communities, with crossover interest for teacher education. For example, I am currently serving as President of the New Jersey Council for Exceptional Children (NJCEC), the state […]