Support of S3884/A5419 to Remove the Praxis Core Requirement for Teacher Certification

The following letter was sent to by our Executive Committee, on behalf of the membership. Dear members of the Senate Education Committee: On behalf of the membership of New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE), which represent 26 institutions of higher education, we write to request that you please support S3884/A5419, which removes […]

NJACTE Performance Assessment Working Group 

You may have heard about the Performance Assessment Working Group. The group is currently comprised of twenty NJACTE members making for a strong group of assessment leaders, with many perspectives to share. It has been very busy this summer working toward the development of assessments and plans for validity and reliability procedures, with a timeline […]

New Jersey Distinguished Clinical Intern Award 2023

Since 1985, the educator preparation programs within New Jersey’s teacher training institutions have been invited to submit the dossiers of their three most outstanding teacher candidates into competition for this award. This annual award publicly recognizes the year’s top clinical interns with special recognition given to the fifteen top graduates awarded with distinction. This year […]