
New Jersey Council for Exceptional Children

The members of NJACTE are truly an active group of individuals. In addition to our large monthly meetings, many NJACTE members are involved in a variety of other professional associations and communities, with crossover interest for teacher education. For example, I am currently serving as President of the New Jersey Council for Exceptional Children (NJCEC), the state […]

NJDOE Guidance on edTPA

“The New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE) applauds the Governor for his signature on the edTPA bill and his commitment and that of the Senate and Assembly to the teaching profession,” said Stacey Leftwich, President of NJACTE. “As New Jersey continues to combat a growing teacher shortage, this new law will ensure that our members can meet […]

The 5th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce

The 5th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce took place over the course of three weeks during the month of October 2022. This year’s conference theme focused on C.A.R.E.: Community-building And Radical Empathy. This three-week event examined how the Ethics of Care is being implemented throughout the teacher workforce. Speakers and their presentations addressed the ways in which educators are caring for […]