2025 Day of Assessment

Date: March 20, 2025
Time: 1 – 4 p.m.
Location: Virtual, hosted by Montclair State University
Registration is FREE! Click here to register!

The Call for Proposals is now CLOSED.

About the Conference:
The NJACTE Day of Assessment conference is part of our overall efforts to increase chapter engagement providing a valuable opportunity for faculty, staff, administrators, and students to come together and learn from each other on various aspects of assessment in educator preparation. The Day of Assessment began as an in-person event, and in recent years it has shifted to a virtual format that has enabled participation from a wider geographic area across the mid-Atlantic region. NJACTE welcomes attendees from all states to join in the networking, collaboration, and shared learning. Each year the conference features a keynote or panel discussion, followed by concurrent presentations by our members and other colleagues in the field.