Author: amy.kline

The 6th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce

The 6th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce took place over the course of three weeks during the months of October and November 2023. This year’s conference theme focused on Retaining a Diverse Workforce: Teachers are Talking. Are You Listening? Throughout the three weeks, the convening focused on understanding how school culture and climate can both […]

It’s a Partnership

This month’s blog post comes to us from NJACTE Executive Committee member, Dr. Julie Norflus-Good, on her work creating a TA to Teacher program. Four years ago, Dr. Janet L. Fike, Superintendent of the Morris-Union Jointure Commission Board of Education, and Dr. Julie Norflus-Good, Director of Graduate Programs from Ramapo College joined forces to not only […]